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  • Writer's picturecraftwrxtoronto


Updated: Aug 31, 2022

Lately I have been thoroughly enjoying myself by using up my YARN ENDS!

I usually keep them for for crafts or sometmes I'll donate to art programs or schools, but this summer I decided to actuallly USE THEM MYSELF!

Since I started this pattern writing journey about a month ago, I' s my chance to do something with all this SCRAPPY YARN.

I'm not a huge fan of orange but I used it to create the most wonderful legwarmers for the fall. A total surprsie. The La La Legwarmers pattern will be testing this month and I CAN'T WAIT to see what everyone comes up with! Never mind matching ... GO WILD! EXPERIMENT! MAKE SOMETHING FUN! PAIR COLORS YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOU WOULD GO TOGETHER! CREATE! EXPLORE! BE UNIQUE! And most importantly....HAVE FUN!!!!

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